The Top 5 Adventure Activities for Thrill-Seekers

For thrill-seekers, the pursuit of experiences that get them their adrenaline fix is an inherent part of their lifestyle. Whether you’re looking to conquer your biggest fears or simply challenge yourself, adventure activities offer you an exhilarating escape from the day-to-day grind – read on to discover our top five thrill-seeking adventures.

Ziplining in Ras Al Khaimah

This emirate is home to Jebel Jais, the UAE’s highest mountain, but if that’s not impressive enough, you’ll also find the world’s longest zipline at the mountain’s peak. Jais Flight is 2.83km long, and anyone brave enough to strap in and take a ride will reach speeds of 120kmph and 150kmph as they soar through the ravines and canyons of the Hajar mountains.

Skydiving in Dubai

There’s nothing quite like the rush of jumping from an aeroplane and falling through the sky, the wind in your hair and the world at your feet. Skydiving’s one of the biggest adrenaline rushes you can experience, and when your parachute opens, you have the chance to savour breathtaking views. An unforgettable experience like this needs an unparalleled view, and that’s what Dubai offers – you can skydive in the desert, above a carpet of rolling dunes; or in the city, with the Palm Jumeirah and the Dubai Marina Skyline beneath you.

White Water Rafting in Switzerland

White water rafting is the perfect adventure activity for any thrill-seeker looking to make a splash. Boarding a raft and navigating it through turbulent, fast-flowing rivers is an exhilarating experience – you’ll need to work as a team with your fellow paddlers as you tackle swirling currents. Switzerland might be famed for being a skiing destination, but it also attracts rafters from around the world – the Ruinaulta, nicknamed the Swiss Grand Canyon, is suitable for beginners as well as intermediate rafters.

Bungee Jumping in New Zealand

If you’re looking for an adventure activity that combines the thrill of free-falling with an added element of suspense, then bungee jumping might be the perfect choice for you. Standing on a platform with only an elasticated cord attached to you will certainly get your blood pumping, and if you take that leap of faith, it’s an adrenaline rush like no other. The Kawarau Gorge Suspension Bridge near Queenstown is considered the home of bungee jumping, and at just 43 metres, it’s an ideal height for your first jump.

Swimming with Sharks in South Africa

Coming face to face with one of the ocean’s most feared predators is undoubtedly one of the most thrilling adventure activities. While staying perfectly safe in a shark-proof cage, you’ll be lowered into the ocean while the waters teem with great white sharks. As well as feeling a rush of adrenaline after being in close proximity to them, you’ll also leave with a sense of awe and respect. South Africa is known as being the great white shark capital of the world, and is one of the best places to see these magnificent creatures up close.

For thrill-seekers, life’s all about seeking out extraordinary experiences. All the adventure activities mentioned in this blog offer unparalleled adrenaline rushes, so if you want to create unforgettable memories, consider one of these adventures. If you’re planning to unleash your inner daredevil, though, always remember to follow guidelines and seek professional guidance – and consider getting in touch with the team here at Safarak. Our experts will ensure your next trip is as safe and exhilarating as possible.